
Simple doorbell detection and remote triggering using ESPHome

sound sensor reverse engineering esp32 esphome homeassistant
Photo of a modified doorbell
This project is installed on an Elcom brand door phone. The sound sensor is at the bottom of the image, with the mic pointing toward the speaker. A hacked wireless doorbell remote sits at the top, with an ESP32 on its back, glowing blue.


This project uses an ESP32 and ESPHome to enhance a traditional analog-ish door phone by detecting when it rings and triggering a secondary visual alert that one can see in other rooms. The setup integrates smoothly with HomeAssistant, so you also get a log showing when someone rang.

The setup is non-invasive (i.e., without opening your doorbell), which was important in my case because I don’t have access to the central unit's control cabinet.

As a bonus, you can also configure the ESP32’s built-in LED as a notification light in HomeAssistant. I configured mine to turn on with the entrance lights, so I know it’s running.

In this post, I’ll cover the hardware, ESPHome configuration, and integration into HomeAssistant. Note that this text is an extensively revised version of the README.md of the project repository, based on my lab notes, which were formatted and cleaned up a bit by GPT-4o.


My custom hardware is relatively simple, it consists of:

And hacked parts:

Product image of the doorbell on Amazon
Wireless doorbell 'B209' on Amazon, also available e.g. on AliExpress


The circuit we need to build is quite basic: 1 input, 1 output:

Schematic 1
Schematic built around an ESP32-C3 SuperMini

Design considerations:

Sound Sensor (excursion)

Let's dive a bit more into the sound sensor to make this project more interesting. As it turns out its design is quite common but I didn't know that at first so maybe you enjoy my take on it.

Central to the circuit is an LM393 comparator for thresholding the detected amplitude. My usual workflow is to 1. make some carefully aligned photos, 2. import them as layers into GIMP, 3. trace and annotate the PCB on different layers. This is the preliminary result:

PCB layout
Trace of signals of PCB layout of the sound sensors

From that I reverse-engineered the schematic on pen and paper and created a schematic in KiCad (LEDs, second channel of LM393, and supply omitted):

Schematic 2
Sound sensor schematic around an LM393

Now we can make sense of it in a structured way (see schematic, from left to right):

  1. Sound enters our electret microphone capsule -- the capsule needs a bias voltage to operate which is supplied by a resistor divider (R4, R5)
  2. The signal now has a steady DC component and an additional AC component on top of that when sound is captured
  3. That signal's DC component gets blocked by C4 to center it again around 0 Volts
  4. An amplifier stage brings the signal into a manageable range for the comparator. It's built around a common-emitter amplifier with an NPN transistor (similar to MMS9014 (datasheet))
  5. additionally, R1 and C2 seem to form a low-pass filter to get rid of higher frequencies (this should be at least below the bandwidth of the comparator)
  6. The comparator LM393 (datasheet) compares the conditioned signal amplitude with the threshold voltage set by the potentiometer. Note the pot seems to use a non-linear, possibly logarithmic scale to make it easier to adjust (it's still pretty finicky though, maybe this could be improved -- how cool would it be to use the ESP32's DAC to set the trigger level dynamically?)
  7. The output (OUT) signal is pulled high by default, but driven low when sufficiently high amplitude (= sound at the capsule) is detected.
  8. The green LED near the output lights up when OUT is low. (The other LED is just always on and I removed it later to save power.)

So finally, we get a digital signal that we can handle easily in almost any microcontroller.

I like this approach because with a simple hardware circuit we get functionality similar to physical privacy shutters on webcams which thankfully have become increasingly wide-spread: By design it's not possible for the software on the ESP32 to be repurposed for recording sound. Well, I'm not too concerned about that but nevertheless I think this synergy between hardware and software to provide additional security is pretty cool. It's like writing elegant software.


Version 1

So for the first prototype I just grabbed the smallest ESP32 board I could find -- I think I paid around 3€ each for the ESP32 board and its expansion board on AliExpress.

3 boards with flying wires in between
First prototype. Left to right: Sound sensor, doorbell remote PCB, ESP32-C3 Super Mini on an expansion board

Our ESP32 and sound sensor are powered by the ESP32 board's 3.3 V regulator. That regulator is powered by 5 V from the USB-C port. The sensor doesn't use much power so this should be sufficient.

You might have noticed that there is no optocoupler yet in this version. I deliberately tried supplying the remote with 3.3 V instead of 12 V from the battery, since I expected a wide input voltage range on that radio IC. It seemed to work at first but triggering the wall wart chimes wasn't as reliable as with 12 V.

Version 2

The second iteration of the prototype is what you saw on the title image and the schematic. I basically just connected the PC817 optocoupler (DIP-4 package) with wires to the button's pins and to the ESP32 and "shoved" it into the case, dead bug style.


Of course, this project has a software component, too. Check out the project repository at https://github.com/spezifisch/esphome-entry/ if you are interested or want to build something similar. You will find additional information at the end of the README.md which I omitted here for brevity.

Operation (Pseudo-Summary)

This device has been running for 5 days now from an old 20 Ah USB Powerbank (which was full initially and now shows half full) and sound detection as well as logging in HomeAssistant worked reliably when someone rang, but it had a false positive when someone shut the entrance door too loudly. To mitigate this I increased the volume of my (primary) doorbell and re-adjusted the trigger threshold. Now you have to slam the door pretty hard to get a false positive.

Surprisingly, this old powerbank from Anker doesn't switch off the output power under whatever low load this circuit produces.

Going Further

Instead of a full summary let's imagine how we could improve this project:

That's it. Have a nice day!